Dave Smith's deadly decoys
I`ve used a decoy for turkey`s from day one. My first set was a Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl and while they seem to work, there were...
The NHB Spring patrol 2015
Well, we had so much fun filming our winter hunts we figured we`d try our hand at filming the spring turkey season. We endend up with...

Back from the dead!
Not really, we just haven't been hunting preds. When March arrived and fox season came to an end, something else starting showing up in...

Dominiques Tikka's
With the season's ending we're going to have a look at Dominique's rifles. They're both Tikka T-3 which is in my book, one of the best...

Troubles de canons??? Pas si tu connais Gary
J'me suis retrouvé dans la grosse merde avec la 26 nosler de Francis l'automne passé. J'avais bâti la carabine pendant l'été mais on a...

Barrel Trouble??? Not if you know Gary
I got into serious trouble last fall with Francis 26 Nosler, I had built it over the summer but we did not get any brass until the end of...

Visitors from the Arctic
Normally all I see is this: A whole bunch of those together, always flying in big bunches over the snow covered fields. I see hundreds of...

Dédé Thunder Stick.
I call it the "Thunder Stick" because on january 12 2015, while i was chasing my coyote, I heard a boom in the distance. That boom was...
And then Dédé pulls us out of our slump with a mixed double.
It's been real tough over the last few weeks, conditions are good and we go out whenever the wind lets down but we just haven't seen a...

Furrball lesson and other pictures?
See that fox in the middle of the picture That`s what I call a furball. That's another shape you have to be able to spot from a few...